My Clients

My most successful client relationships are typically with companies who:

Have between 8-150 employees

I have found that midsized companies in the 8- to 150-employee range are able to get a lot of value out of the systems I have created especially for them, and I usually go on to integrate more of their processes into the system.

Recognize some internal workflow bottlenecks

Operations managers and high-level administrators frequently have workflow-related issues on their radar, but not necessarily at the forefront of their daily activities. They often have an inkling that there is probably a more efficient way, but may not know where to start.

Need a multi-user system

As businesses grow, they often find that "that spreadsheet that Jeannie keeps on her computer" is no longer a good way store and access information. By creating web-based applications with different authentication levels, information can be selectively shared company-wide, even if the company has several offices nationwide.

OR have a specific web development project in mind:

  • Run periodic data imports for their web site or internal processes
  • Dynamically map geographic data
  • Create a template to dynamically convert data to Powerpoint presentations, PDFs, or some other document format
  • Develop a public web site
  • Develop an internal training program
  • Develop a reporting system

Sound Familiar?

If this sounds like your company, I can help. Contact me today to set up an appointment. I'll tell you what I can do, what I can't do, and when I can start.