What I do

  • I help businesses run more smoothly and efficiently by developing cloud-based custom applications designed and created specifically for my clients' needs.
  • I listen. I ask questions. I take time to understand your business and your unique challenges. Then I team with you to create powerful, easy-to-use solutions that suit your specific needs.
  • I develop multi-user corporate intranets and public web sites

How I do it

  • I write HTML markup and CSS by hand, giving my clients maximum control over the visual appearance of their information.
  • I use common programming languages such as PHP and JavaScript to manipulate data on the server and in your browser.
  • I use MySQL databases to manage complex (and not-so-complex) data relationships

What I don't do

  • I don't piece together a patchwork of off-the-shelf programs and hope they will work for your business.
  • I don't pretend to know your business better than you do.
  • I don't show up with canned answers and must-have applications that will "make your business better". Business just doesn't work that way.